

I want iTour Beaufort

I want iTour Beaufort

Conceived, created, produced, and published in Beaufort, SC with
100% local talent: writers, voices, singers, musicians, and visionary partners.

iTourBeaufort will launch very soon.
CDs will be available in retailers and gift shops.
Downloads will be available via custom ecommerce websites - virtual stores for the websites of Penn Center, Hunting Island, and Fort Fremont.
For insider updates or to get a smart cool business tool for yourself, click and Contact Us.

Digital assets generate revenue, action, results. 

My notion is to use content to drive ecommerce.
Authentic local voices sharing real stories about a place that barely exists anymore.

It worked well for CityTrex iTours in Savannah, GA and Charleston, SC from 2008 to 2012. I retired those iPod-based tours, thanked Steve Jobs for the iPhone and iPad, rebuilt some things, and am relaunching a proven ecommerce store and push-button media publishing platform with the example of

I want to work as well as CityTrex always did.
But more niche. That's one thing the Internet does so well, niche markets. 

CityTrex founder and CEO .jpg

As if to prove no one is a hero in his hometown, I'm restarting and going All-In with the showcase of a niche microsite within a power domain.

If that sounds clever, good, you get it. Come aboard, we're expecting a nice ride. 
If that sounds as swift as a 56kbps modem, that's okay too.
Let's just stick together; if you tell your story and share your guide to the Sea Island Lowcountry, and I do my job, then we'll all get more of what we want.

My #1 wish is to be heard and understood.
How about you? You in?
Then click and Contact Us. You can talk to me.
